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Dohoda ČR a SRN k obchodování se zvířaty vzhledem k bluetongue

16.10.2007,  SVS ČR  

Státní veterinární správa ČR a Státní veterinární správa Německa podepsaly dohodu ve vztahu k obchodování se zvířaty vzhledem k bluetongue. V příloze naleznete tuto dohodu, na jejímž základě je možno počínaje dnem 17.10.2007 po splnění daných podmínek obchodovat se zvířaty z omezených pásem.

Dokument byl podepsán 15.10., a tak Vám jej zasílám v anglické verzi. Jakmile budeme mít českou verzi, neprodleně Vám ji též zašleme.

MVDr. Josef V i t á s e k, Ph.D.
ředitel odboru
ochrany zdraví a pohody zvířat

the German Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtscbaft und Verbraucherschutz, and
the Czech Republic Ministry of Agriculture
laying down rules for the implementation of administrative measures for the control and eradication of bluetongue

Having regard to Council Directive 2000/75/EC of 20 November 2000 laying down specific provisions for the control and eradication of bluetongue,
Having regard to Decision 2005/393/EC as regards conditions applicable to the movements from orthrough restricted zones in relation to bluetongue,

Bundesministerium fur Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, represented by its Ghief Veterinary Officer Prof. Dr. Zwingmann,

The Czech Republic Ministry of Agriculture, represented by its Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. M. Malena,
agree the following:

Article 1
The signing parties agree that circulation of the bluetongue virus has restarted. With regard to the intracommunity movements of ruminants they therefore agree on the provisions referred to in articles 2 to 7.

Article 2
The movement of slaughter animals kept in a holding situated :
■ in a 20-km-zone1 to slaughterhouses situated within the free zone or
■ in a 20-km-zone to slaughterhouses situated within the restricted zone2 (outside a 20-km-zone), or
■ in the restricted zone (outside a 20-km-zone) to slaughterhouses situated in the free zone shall be authorized provided :
- the animals to be moved do not show any sign of bluetongue on the day of transport, and
- the animals are moved directly to the slaughterhouse, and
- the animals are protected against attacks by vectors during transportation to the slaughterhouse (insecticide or repellent treatment of the animals and of the means of transport carried out at the place of loading),
Animals originating frořn a 20-km-zone and moved in a holding situated in the restricted zone (outside a 20-km-zone) in compliance with articles 3 or 5 can be slaughtered in the free zone under the conditions of the present article,

Article 3
The movements of ruminants for fattening or breeding originating from a 20-km-zone and destinated to a holding situated in the rest Of the restricted zone shall be authorised provided:
- prior to movement, a serological test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual to detect antibodies to the bluetongue virus group, with negative result, is carried
out on a sample taken after a period of protection against attacks by vectors by use of insecticides or repellents for at least 28 days, or
- prior to movement, an agent identification test as set out in the OIE Terrestrial Manual, with negative result, is carried out on a sample taken after a period of protection against attacks by vectors by use of insecticides or repellents for at least 14 days, and
- the animaís are protected against attacks by vectors duřing transportation to the holding of destination (insecticide or repelient treatment of the animals and of the means of transport carried out at the pláce of loading).
- the animals in the control post and the control post are protected from attacks by vectors by insecticide or repellent treatment if the transport includes a stay at a control post, and
- the animals are moved within 7 days after sampling and under official supervision.
The protection against attacks by vectors shall be maintained until the test result is available and until the animals are loaded at the pláce of origin.

1 zone according to article 6, paragraph 1, letter c of Council Directive 2000/75/EC
2 zone F as determined in annex I of Decision 2005/393/EC

Article 4
(1) The movements of rumiriants for fattening or breeding originating from a restricted zone (outside a 20-km-zone) and destinated to a holding situated within a free zone shall be authorised provided:
- prior to movement, a serological test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual to detect antibodies to the bluetongue virus group, with negative result, is carried out on a sample taken after a period of protectiori against attacks by vectors by use of insecticides or repellents for at least 28 days, or
- prior to movement, an agent Identification test as set out in the OIE Terrestrial Manual, with negative resuit, is carried out on á sample taken after a period of protection against attacks by vectors by use of insecticides or repellents for at least 14 days, and
- the animals are protected against attacks by vectors during transportation to the holding of destination (insecticide or repellent treatment of the animals and of the means of transport carried out at the pláce of loading).
- the animals in the control post and the control post are protected from attacks by vectors by insecticide or repellent treatment if the transport includes a stay at a control post, and
- the animals are moved within 7 days after sampling and under official supervision.

(2) Animals kept in the restricted zone (outside a 20-km-zone), which originate from a 20-km-zone and are destined for a free zone, shall be protected against attacks by vectors for a period of time mentioned in paragraph 1 before being sampled for the tests mentioned in paragraph 1.

Article 5
The movement of calves for fattening not older than 30 days originating;
■ from a 20-km-zone and destined to a holding situated in the rest of the restricted zone, or
■ from a restricted zone (outside a 20-km-zone) and destined to a holding situated within a free zone,
shall be authorised without testing and provided ;
- the animals to be moved do not show any sign of bluetongue disease on the dayof transport, and
- the animals are protected against attacks by vectors during transportation to the holding of destination (insecticide or repellent treatment of the animals and of the meahs of transport carried put at the pláce of loading), and
- the animals are kept in dosed livestock building in the holding of destination and must not leave the holding except for diréct slaugther, and
- the building in the holding of destination where the animals are introduced has been subjected to an insecticide or repellent treatment prior to the introduction of the animals, and
- the movement of calves originating from a restricted zone (outside a 20-km-zone) and destined to a holding situated within a free zone are subject to prior approval of the competent authority of the place of destination.

Article 6
If ruminants are exchanged under the conditions of this protocol, the folíowing sentence shall be added to the health certificate and to the TRACES electronic message: "Exchange in accordance with the BT agreement of 15.10.2007, insecticide/repellant treatment with (name of the product) on (date) at (time)" (part "certification", section C.4 "additional guarantees").
The zone of origin of the animals ("20-km-zone", "restricted zone outside a 20-km-zone" or "free zone transiting by the restricted zone") shall be specified in the TRACES electronic message, in the part "certification", section C.4 "additional guarantees". If only a few animals of the batch are originating from a restricted zone, the identification numbers of these animals and their zone of origin ("20-km-zone" or "restricted zone outside a 20-km-zone") shall be specified in the part "consignment", section 1.31 "identification of the animals" of the TRACES electronic message.

Article 7
This protocol shall produce its effects from 17.10. 2007.
It shall be reviewed in respect of the evolution of the bluetongue situation and/or changes in the EU legislation.

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